Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Eyes locked and fingers entwined, we began to dance. Curiosities were piqued, and a look not unlike fear came to rest in two sets of eyes. The music increased it's speed as did our feet. The tango is a difficult dance, but we knew it well. Breath matched breath, heart beat to heart beat. Cheek to cheek and lips to ear, you whispered these seemingly magical words. I resisted, twirling in the opposite direction. You caught me just as you said you would. For a moment doubt engulfed me. Maybe you weren't like the others. In the next instant the doubt was erased as you momentarily faced the opposite direction. Upon turning around you held your hands out to me- a gift in place of air and empty space. The gift was still beating, still feeling. With a smile and a hole in your chest, you coyly said "This is for you. Keep it." A genuine curiosity overtaking me, I took it from your hands and examined thoroughly the heart taken from your chest. I looked into your sparkling eyes and down again. When I could finally make my eyes meet yours once more, I noticed that you were cupping something gently in your hands and an empty space existed in my chest where flesh and bone one was. "Don't worry," you said. "I'll be careful with it. Your heart is in safe hands."
And with that, the whole world was aflame.

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