Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Shadows danced against the walls reminiscent of graceful body movents expressed in a single step. The wood appeared scorched as if the passion that burned in those eyes had set fire to the room. And in fact it did. Footsteps echoed through the hall as I came to the door. No lights to guide. No sleep for the wicked afterall. Glory, glory. What had once been so magnificent and grand, was now just a shell of it's former life. A metaphor to suit us all. The stained glass above the windows filtered little moonlight, and what light managed to break through the dust appeared blood red. How fitting. Arms outstretched, and palms facing the sky, you appeared to be the archangel, switched sides. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. A thin line was walked, in the shape of a circle, each of us remaining on opposite sides. Choose life, choose death. Think carefully, listen well- this is a critical decision. The fire calls all those who are weak and vulnerable. Those who have lost hope. The light does the same. You came to claim. I came to conquer. Mercy me. Fight of fights, king of kings. No end is in sight.

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